Our home is simple and authentic. With its charm and character, invites you to forget the ticking of the clock and feel in harmony in a natural environment. With the intention of protecting it, we have implemented several actions for the conservation of the environment and we work to be more sustainable every day.


All pets are welcome and can stay in any space of the house, as long as they are with you. At home you will find Moskis, a mountaineering dog who is very playful with both children and adults.

In Casa Marina you can enjoy in our…

Habitación con cama de matrimonio y cabezal de madera con un corazón
Entrada de casa con un sofa, un mueble y fotografias del entorno
Fuelle reposando en un taburetes delante de la chimenea con el fuego encendido
Living room
Jardin y terraza de madera de Casa Marina
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